Liberia National Legislature passed 28 Bills and 8 Resolutions in 2018-Speaker Chambers

National Anthem - Speaker and Senate Pro Temp
(L-R), Speaker Chambers, Vice President Jowel Howard Taylor and Senate Pro Temp, Albert Chie

Monday, 14 January 2019 witnessed the official opening of the 2nd session of the 54th National Legislature of the Republic of Liberia.                                                      

During his speech marking the occasion, House Speaker, Dr. Bhofal Chambers recorded the activities of the House in 2018. Notable amongst the achievements were the passing of 28 Bills and 8 Resolutions, which the Speaker noted were in the national interest. According to the Speaker,  these successes were achieved following 57 regular sittings, 43 executive sittings, 6 special sittings and 15 extraordinary sittings, thus totaling 121 sittings in 2018.  Dr. Chambers also stated that, in line with legislative best practice, it is their hope that bills and resolutions pending in committee room, which account for 53 in total, will be properly scrutinized for prompt Plenary’s action.

Dr Chambers who spoke on wide ranging national issues and the number of foreign dignitaries he received in 2018, concluded his speech by stating that, “let it be made abundantly clear that this Legislature will ensure that harmony and coordination with the other branches of government will be a priority. At the same time, it will be our duty to fully support the Pro-Poor Agenda under the leadership of His Excellency, Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia and we will always be prepared to offer suggestions for alternative programs, policies through dialogue or enact laws so that the best interest of our people is served. “