Deeds, not words, count in the fight against corruption

We commend the President of the Republic of Kenya for his unequivocal message to end corruption.

The decision to replace the existing Sh1000 note is an important step forward. It will place the corrupt who have been hiding cash outside the financial system in real difficulty. Furthermore, we support the Central Bank in its efforts to implement international money laundering regulations.

Last week’s National Prayer Breakfast focused on a “New Dawn” for Kenya – one without corruption. This is commendable. However, deeds, not words, count in the fight against corruption. Rightly so, the President challenged his fellow politicians to stop the rhetoric and instead to translate their talk into actions


The needs and aspirations of the Kenyan citizens must be taken seriously. They continue to ask for action when it comes to how to invest the wealth of this rich and beautiful nation. As international partners we fully support this demand.

Corruption and impunity create social distortions and divisions; they fuel inequity and poverty; they destroy the fabric of society and hamper long-term development. Corruption distorts elections. Corruption continues to negatively affect Kenya’s business climate, leading foreign investors and traders to shy away from doing business in Kenya. And corruption destroys opportunities for youth. Kenya needs investment – not corruption.

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