Liberia, as a country is rich, very very rich. But yet, the majority of the population lives in abject poverty. The root cause of this deplorable and shameful state of affairs remains unbridled corruption by top officials of government. This is made worst by the level of impunity displayed after looting the public treasury. They walked around free, contest and are rewarded with elected public offices as thank you for stealing, and in some instances, places of worship reward them with honours such as ‘Father-of – the- Year’ or ‘Mother-of- the Year’.

This blatant impunity has embolden some people to think the route to wealth and respectability is government job and thievery. The past government was so corrupt that it is becoming clearer each and every passing day that looting of the national treasury and resources took place on an industrial scale than people thought. The words and cry of former Auditor General, John Morlu’s assertion that “the Ellen Government was three times more corrupt than the Gyude Bryant Transitional Government” has not only come to pass but seems an understatement.The latest confirmation in this regard is the Global Witness Report on the dubious sale of Liberia Oil Block 13 to Exxon Mobil: Liberia_Global_Witness_Exxon_investigation_PR.

Given the gravity of the situation, Global Witness has called on the Government of Liberia to investigate all former officials of government involved in this economic ‘gang raped’ of the motherland. President Weah is strongly advised to listen to this call and act expeditiously. Because to delay or act to the contrary will only be postponing the day of reckoning. Lest we forget, the underlying root cause of our 14 years civil war was corruption.

The people patience has limit. A hint to the wise is sufficient.