Harry Conway serves as Keynote Speaker for Liberia 171st Independence Celebration in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA

Harry Conway calls on Liberians in the Diaspora not to give up on Liberia. In his keynote speech as Guest Speaker for the Liberian Community in Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA on 28 July 2018 to celebrate Liberia’s 171 Independence Celebration, Mr. Conway informed his audience that Liberia will be rebuilt by those in the diaspora owing to the critical skill-sets they are acquiring couple with their superior financial position. He reminded them that it was the remittances of Liberians in the diaspora that save the Liberian Bank for Development and Investment from collapse during the civil war years. He said, they will still need to play such critical role once again, especially during these challenging economic times back home in Liberia.

Speaking on the topic, ‘Fostering unity amid myriad national challenges’, Mr. Conway stated that investment in quality human capital is key to Liberians realizing the founding goals of the country. He averred that with high quality human assets given opportunities to work without resort to artificial labels such as tribe, section or region, Liberians will be united and the country prosper. The full text of Mr. Conway’s speech is attached.Conway Keynote Address 28 July 18 MA USA-pulished