RIGCAA PA President Encouraged Members to Reconcile and Recruit

The president of River Gee County Association in the Americas (RIGCAA) Pennsylvania Chapter, Mr. Aloysius Benjamin, encouragedmembers of his chapter to put aside their differences and work together in helping recruit new members to the association.

Speaking at the chapter’s regular monthly meeting on Sunday, September 30, 2018, held at the residence of former chapter andnational president; Hon. George & Beatrice Nagba, in Upper Darby, Mr. Benjamin informed members that the elections for national president of the Association, won by Hon. Isaac Toee, are over and we all need to put our differences aside and work collectivelyfor the common good of our county, River Gee.

The president used the occasion to remind members that RIGCAA PA remains a loyal chapter to the national president Hon. IsaacToee as this issue was settled during the administration of former President Naomi Cojolo, where the chapter pledged its loyalty to the administration of former National President Ms. Alice Mulbah and promised to do the same with whomever replaces her. Mr.Benjamin called on the national president to reach out to members out there who are dissatisfied and encourages them to get onboard in the interest of River Gee.


Returning to issues affecting his chapter, the president informed members that, in a teleconference two months ago, his administrationhas constituted a three-person Reconciliation Committee, headed by Mr. Chelle Noring, Co-chaired by Mr. Peeco Conway, and Mrs. Rossetta White, members, to talk to members who might have issues and help address those issues.

According to president Benjamin, since constituting that committee, he is yet to receive any updates and wanted to know whetherto reconstitute the committee. Members thanked Mr. Benjamin for all he has accomplished since taking office this past June but asked him not to reconstitute the committee but give it a little more time to continue its work.They told the president that while the Reconciliation Committee is at the full front in the reconciliation effort, it should be the responsibility of every member to get out there and talk to people they know and encourage them to participate in activity ofthe Chapter. Hon. George Nagba, who served as former chapter and national president of RIGCAA, was quick to remind Mr. Benjamin that while the chapter will work to try to get River Gee Citizens to come back and get involved in helping their people back inLiberia, the president must focus on working with the few committed members who are willing to work with his administration to get thing done, stressing, “you don’t need a lot of people to make your dream come true”, Hon. Nagba concluded.

Answering questions as to whether he has gotten control of the association’s account since taking office, Mr. Benjamin pointedout that he has spoken with all those concerns and that he, the former president and the treasurer all need to make time to go the bank, remove and replace signatories to the account. The president indicated that he also asked them to prepare their reportsso that he knows what is in that account before taking control of the account. Mr. Benjamin indicated that he expects to get everything done before the chapter’s next regular monthly meeting in October, which is to take place at the residence of Mrs. FatuKear. The president was quick to inform members, who were highly appreciated of the work and integrity of the past administration, that nobody should be under the impression that the chapter money is in any trouble, but the only reason that he has not yetgotten the financial reports, is that, all involved have busy schedules and they are trying to make themselves available fairly soon to ensure that they get this done.

Mr. Benjamin also inform chapter members that elections are taking place in December and will be appointing the election commissionerat their October meeting to start planning for those elections..

In responding to request from Mr. Bokolo Collins, that the chapter creates a Facebook page and website, Mr. Benjamin informedMr. Collins that RIGCAA already has a Facebook page “River Gee Meeting Place” and encourages every member to like and invite others to the page. Hon. Nagba informed members that RIGCAA also has a website and asked that they visit that website for importantpieces of information.

The meeting was attended by; Mr. Aloysius Benjamin, Ms. Macie Jacob, Mr. Jay Blama Young; national listserv moderator who refutedclaims from Mr. Collins that he Mr. Young had removed Mr. Collins from the listserv, Ms. Elizabeth Pah, Mr. Peeco Conway, Mr. Bokolo Collins, Mr. Freeman Chea, Hon. George Nagba, Ms. Tanya Purnell, and Mrs. Beatrice Nagba.

$80.00 was raised in meeting dues, refreshment was served, and members made commitment to increase attendance to the next meeting.