Liberia – “ALL IS NOT WELL”

Photo Credit: Daily Observer Newspaper

Liberia is indeed going through turbulent times, at least as far as providing direction to the country at the level of national leadership is concern. The Country’s economy is in a throw, the national currency is fast depreciating against the US dollar (US$1 : L$160 as at this writing), thousands of students are out of school for lack of school fees, families going to bed hungry daily, and to make matter worst, there is a L$16.0billion (US$104.0million equivalent) missing money mystery that is not only threatening the Weah-Led Government, but also the the fragile peace of the country, if not manage with care.

The missing money, in particular, seems to have touched a raw nerve of the population such that thousands of young people under the banner of COCUBOMB and a slogan of “Bring Back Our Money” is leading the charge for an international investigation.

It is amid these national emergencies and other challenges, including the power-play between the three branches of government, the Legislature, Judiciary and Executive that Attorney Keith Neville Asumuyaya Best penned an article in the Daily Observer Newspaper titled ‘Simple Logic and the Law: How The Man-Eating Monster Breathed Its Final Breath! (Part IV)’It is an article that is basically alerting the Nation to the fact that all is not well and if actions are not taking to peacefully tackle whatever is lurking under the surface then unscrupulous people waiting the shadows would take advantage of the situation to wreck havoc by emerging on the scene.

Eagle Eye does not only share this sentiment, but calls on the national leadership, particularly the Executive and Legislature to confront this national exigencies, not only with the utmost of care, but with sincerity, honesty of purpose, integrity, and to above all, put partisan and selfish interest aside. This paper believes anything short of absolute honesty and transparency in investigating the missing money will only be deferring the day of reckoning to a later date. With that, Eagle Eye commends Best’s Article to all for reading: .