PRESIDENT GEORGE WEAH RESTORES HOPE for Abandoned Residents and Communities

LEC Reaches Chicken Soup Factory Community

Over Thirty-Five Thousand (35,000) citizens and residents of Chicken-Soup Factory, Shoes Factory, LPRC Fence, The Gulf, and Bassa Town (Lower Johnsonville), Communities are elated as the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) runs wires in the nooks and corners of these vicinities. President Weah inspecting Roads Projects in the Monrovia corridor called on his detractors to give him chance to do the People’s work by delivering on roads and life-changing developments.

Oldman Tamba Shoboe, a permanent resident of Chicken-Soup Factory & Gulf Communities, laments that he has not seen the LEC for nearly 40 years in the area. Another resident and a former professor of the University of Liberia, Elder Charles W. Wilson, salutes President Weah for this milestone development and entreats the President for the road.

Jubilant youths and elders are debating everyday as to the actual time of the well anticipated ground-breaking ceremony of the Chicken-Soup Factory – Johnsonville road project by the President. It can be recalled that Public Works Minister, Mabutu Nyenpan, led a team of engineers to access the road.

The electrification project is a World Bank funded partnership with the Government of Liberia. In a related development, engineers and workers of the Liberia Water & Sewage Corporation (LWSC) are regularly seen constructing and installing storages for delivery of Safe Drinking Water to these densely populated zones of Monrovia and its environs.

Citizens of these communities who felt deserted and abandoned, especially during the past 12 years, are anxious as they see the glow of electricity just next door in the Stephen A. Tolbert Estate and Barnersville Community.  It is however noted that a vast portion of these communities fall in the Industrial Park prescribed by previous administration as far back as 1975. Something which is said to have delayed their development until President Weah arrived on the Political Scene.